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How To: View your Converted Live Transfers in iLife
How To: View your Converted Live Transfers in iLife

How to a Live Transfer within the iLife CRM

Mika avatar
Written by Mika
Updated over a week ago

After you have received your first live transfer that went over 2 minutes, once you end the call, you can log in to and access the lead file with the call recording, 1 - 2 minutes later. Follow the video or written instructions below on how to navigate the live transfer details file in your iLife Client Pipeline.

1. Login to

- Open a web browser and visit

- Log in using your phone number.

2. Access your Client Pipeline:

- Upon logging in, you'll be directed to your client pipeline.

- This section displays all your clients and leads.

3. Wait for live transfer file:

- Around one to two minutes after ending a call with a lead (if the call exceeded the two-minute verification time), the live transfer file will appear in this pipeline.

4. Manage Columns in your Client Pipeline:

- Once your lead appears, from this view you can set the lead "Status", input "Coverage Amount", "Monthly Coverage Amount", and "Custom".
- In order to edit the columns, click the gear sign on the far right side of the Client Pipeline box. From here, you can add custom columns and deselect columns not relevant to you.

5. Listen to the call:

- Click on the live transfer file, and a window will appear.
- In this window, click "Listen" to listen to the first incoming call with your lead.

6. Add Lead Details:

- While listening to the call you can input the lead's first name, last name, and email into the system.

- Save the entered details.

7. Client Details Page:

- From the client details page, various actions can be taken:

a. Make Outbound Calls:

- Use the phone icon on the left to initiate outbound calls directly from the CRM.

b. Application Status:

- Assign an application status category to your client using this drop down on the left.

c. Record Client Information:

- Enter important details under address, income, family, and security sections on the lower left hand side of the Client Details page.

d. Notes:

- Write and save notes related to the client, or any important details.

e. Browse Quotes:

- Assign a policy with the client using this tool.

f. Documents:

- Find policy documents to send to the client and application links to send to the client.

g. E-App:
- Find the e-app link log in with instructions here, after you have assigned a policy to client.

h. Call History:

- Use this tab to access the history of incoming and outbound calls made from the platform. You have the ability to download the recordings as well as view transcripts.
- This is also where you can manage your caller ID to determine what phone number you want visible to your lead when you are calling from the platform. To modify it, click the edit button, enter the desired number, and confirm it with a call.

i. Activity:

- The activity section lists recent events on each specific client details page.
And that is how you manage your client details for iLife live transfers! If you need to pause your live transfers, see this article.

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