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What are the SMS marketing laws?

This article highlights text marketing rules you need to know.

Mika avatar
Written by Mika
Updated over a week ago

Text marketing iLife

An SMS has a really high open rate when compared to email because the message is going directly to someone's phone. This presents a fantastic opportunity to market your business but you must follow the industry regulations and do the marketing in the right way.

In the US, consumers are protected by laws that say companies are not allowed to send messages unless the prospect has given their explicit consent to receive the communication. A consumer simply giving you their phone number is not enough to satisfy this law. The recipient of the text message must have been directly asked for their consent from you.

There are three main organizations in the US that deal with sms communication and their primary focus is that people should not receive sms messages they do not want to receive.

  1. Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association (CTIA)

  2. Mobile Marketing Association (MMA)

  3. Federal Communications Commission (FCC)

CTIA and MMA are both trade associations aiming to establish best practice marketing that allows for mass SMS messaging. The FCC is a government agency that regulates wireless communications. Please be informed and research each of these organizations when making the decision to utilize text marketing campaigns. SMS messages are a great way to reach your target audience but you must follow the laws for contacting your prospects by clearly identifying yourself as the sender of any messages and only contacting people who want to be contacted. Protect your brand reputation and follow the rules of SMS marketing. There are potential fines involved with breaking these rules and you could lose the right to use SMS marketing for your business.


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